科尔比杰克奶酪(Calico Jack Cheese)
科尔比奶酪起源于1880年代,是以美国威斯康星州南部的一个小镇的名称来命名美国威斯康星州科尔比市的JosephSteinwand发明了科尔比干酪,当时这是唯一的一种起源于美国的奶酪品种。科比奶酪含水分高,质地松散柔软,成熟期短,有时候人们也管它叫“农夫干酪"(Farmer cheese)。后来人们将科尔比奶和蒙特利杰克奶融合在一起制成科尔比杰克奶酪。科尔比杰克奶酪保留了原有的风味,也非常好的融合了蒙特利杰克奶酪,是奶酪品种中少有的完美结合品。在墨西哥餐厅,牛排汉堡店,经常可以看见它的存在,在美国奶酪文化里,它是独立特行的存在。
Colby cheese originated in the 1880s and was named after a small townin southern Wisconsin, USA. JosephSteinwand of Colby, Wisconsininvented Colby cheese, which at the time was the only cheese varietyoriginating in the United States. Corby cheese has a high moisturecontent, a soft texture, and a short maturation period, and is sometimescalled "Farmer cheese". Later, Colby mik and Monterey Jack milk werecombined to make Colby Jack cheese. The Colby Jack retains its originalflavor, but also blends well with the Monterey Jack cheese, which is arare combination of cheese varieties. lt can often be found in Mexicanrestaurants, steak burger restaurants, and in American cheese cultureit is an independent specialty.