古老也奶酪( Gruyere Cheese)
格吕耶尔奶酪外部是粒状的黄色或棕色的外皮,而内部是象牙色或黄色瑞士版(AOP)是一种带有咸味和坚果味的硬奶酪,通常没有孔,而法国版(IGP) 则需要有孔,大小从豌豆到樱桃不等。格吕耶尔必须在酒窖中成熟至少 120 天,才能散发出焦糖苹果、榛子和棕色黄油的淡淡香气。它融化得很好,非常适合制作经典的火锅,或者,也可以切片单独食用,搭配一杯淡红酒。核桃和烟熏斑点也是很好的搭配。Gruyèrecheeseischaracterized by its granular yellow or brown rind, while theinterior is a pale ivory color. lt is a hard cheese with a savory andfruity flavor. Gruyère requires a minimum of 120 days offermentation and aging to develop its delicate aroma ofcaramelized apples, hazelnuts, and browned butter. lt hasexcellent melting properties, making it ideal for classic Swissfondue, and it also pairs well with red wine and fruit.