埃蒙塔尔奶酪(Emmental Cheese)
瑞士经典传统奶酪,半硬质,特点是淡黄色、光滑的质地,在成熟过程中会出现大小不一的孔洞。具有浓郁奶香和微微的坚果香气,让人想起新鲜干草。Emmentaler 传统上是切片或切成方块的,但它也可以很好地融入各种菜肴中,也是火锅中最常见的奶酪品种之一The classic traditional cheese of Switzerland, Emmentaler, is asemi-hard variety characterized by its light yellow, smoothtexture and the appearance of varying-sized holes during itsripening process,lt boasts a rich, creamy aroma with a subtlehint of nutty fragrance, evoking the scent of fresh hay.Traditionally, Emmentaler is sliced or cubed, but it also blendswell into a variety of dishes and is one of the most commoncheese varieties found in fondue