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 全新第四代 NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱

  强悍的烹饪能力及开源 Linux 智能控制系统

  NopeinCombi , the fourth-generation combi oven with Linux-based intelligent control system

  内置 Turbo-Booster 锅炉,强劲高效新鲜蒸汽发生器,全面满足精细蒸汽团的要求。Linux 开源式控制系 统可快速满足新零售智能厨房业态延展性功能需求,支持大数据管理功能。

  Built-in Turbo-Booster boiler, strong and efficient fresh steam generator, fully meet the requirements of fine steam mass. A Linux-based controller can quickly meet the extended function demand of smart kitchen for internet-based retail service.




  从 NC0423T Mini 到 CN4011T Plus


  From NC0423T Mini to CN4011T Plus,

  it fits any kitchens of any scale, open kitchen

  or normal commercial kitchen.

  NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱,具备蒸、烤、 蒸烤混合三种烹饪方式,强大的烹饪能力和 出色的菜单功能,完美满足中、西式菜肴烹 饪要求。我们旨在为商厨用户提供便利、高 效产品及解决方案,特别针对传统中式菜肴 提供标准化烹饪。 NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱系列产品包括 4 层、5、6、10、20 层和 40 层以及简易版 万能蒸烤箱,开放式的智能控制系统,赋予 本系列产品更丰富的功能和扩展可能性,为 终端用户和租赁方提供更好的个性化服务和 后台管理支持。

  A Linux-based intelligent controller adjusts the fresh steam generator and heating elements work to get the optimaallocation and dynamic control. 30 ~ 300℃ cooking temperature for regulationDelta T temperature difference controand multistage cooking control perfectly perform Chinese sautéing, stewingsteaming, barbecue, etc. It is capable of different ways of cooking. Precise temperature and humidity controlstrong fresh steam generator, four automatic cleaning modes and menu security functions, providing professionachefs with all the functions required from an ideal cooking system. Its configuration intelligent control but also have the ability to store 1024 menus, standardization for complex dishes, data statistics and transmission , even untrained people can quickly start operation. 


  7 Inch Touch Screen Control - Delicious On Fingertips

  The 4th Generation of NopeinCombi oven with Linux-based Controller

  第四代 NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱

  7 寸触摸屏控 —— 指尖上的美味

  NopeinCombi 智能控制带来的简单操作——7 英寸触摸屏提供极为友 好的操作界面,选择烹饪食材直接烹饪。或者用户根据自己偏好重新调 整参数,而这些菜单设置和烹饪过程,用户可以选择完全公开或者菜单 保密,以保证烹饪工艺过程不外泄。NopeinCombi 智能控制器,既可 满足专业厨师的菜品研发和日常配餐烹饪需要,同时也能为未经培训的 新手所用,全方位满足不同业态需求。而 NopeinCombi 智能控制器提供分级权限管理功能,操作员、管理者在各自授权内使用和操作,保证 一切可控。

  NopeinCombi intelligent control with simple operation, 7 inch touch screen provides extremely friendly operation interface, choose ingredients and cook. Users can adjust the parameters according to their preferences. In regard to menu settings and cooking process, users can choose to fully disclose or keep the menu secret to ensure the cooking process is not disclosed. NopeinCombi intelligent controller, which can meet the food research and development of professional chef and daily catering to cooking, also used for untrained novices. NopeinCombi intelligent controller with hierarchical access management functions, operators and managers within their respective authorized use and operation, ensure everything under control.



  The Versatile Cooking Mate For Professional Chefs

  厨房标配 , 融通中西

  我们的技术专家和中国大厨们、终端业主深入研究后,针对不同 的使用场景,推出了可覆盖新型智能快捷餐饮店到传统酒店厨 房使用的各种型号万能蒸烤箱,从 Mini 型四层座台式到四十层 walk-in 推车式,能放置在任何规格的厨房中,包括开放式现场烹 饪区和后厨区。

  NopeinCombi 的四层、五层万能蒸烤箱非常适合在新业态快 捷餐饮开放式现场烹饪区座台使用。其 Mini 的体积,在功能多 样性上却丝毫不妥协,其内置蒸汽发生器及强大的发热元件在 NopeinCombi 智能控制下烹饪功率得到充分的释放。

  NopeinCombi 六层、十层万能蒸烤箱配备支架 ( 选配),无论是 在传统后厨烹饪区或者开放式烹饪明档,均能出色发挥其无以伦 比的高效便捷性能。

  而配备推入式餐车的二十层和四十层的 NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤 箱,更是大型酒店后厨和中央厨房之重器。

  Our technical expert team , professional Chinese chefs and experienced sellers have done intensive study on different kitchen scenarios, then we launched this combi oven series for catering all kitchen sizes including open kitchen, commercial kitchen or a small kitchen area
in the convenient store.NopeinCombi series products provide countertop Mini type of NC0423T (four racks) to walkin trolley type of NC4011T (forty racks), fully meet the cooking requirements of Chinese and Western cuisine and different scale of the kitchen. Oven stand is
available for option to give you the optimum working height and provides the perfect storage for accessories. NC0423T or NC0523T is typically a countertop model and used as an attractive unit in the front cooking area. Mini footprint but not compromise on the functional diversity, its built-in steam generator and powerful heating elements are controlled by computer and distribute the heat throughout the cooking cabinet. At the same time, its powerful background data management ability and transmission function facilitate the owner's dishes management, and its convenient operation even if untrained staff can quickly start. Models NC0611T and NC1011T, which always goes with oven stand (optional), can well perform its unparalleled efficient cooking. Models NC2011T and NC4011T , equipped with walk-in trolley, are suitable and reliable for large hotel kitchen and central kitchen.

  大脑容 , 大智慧

  Enormous power, the result of outstanding engineering.

   可储存 1024 个菜单 , 最高可达 15 段烹饪

   A max. storage capacitly of 1024 menus,Up to 15 cooking stages for each cuisine.

  NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱可储存 1024 个菜单,为 用户提供包括复杂菜肴烹饪标准化、大数据统计和 传输等新业态亟需的功能,即使是未经培训的人士 也能迅速上手操作;每个菜单多达 15 段烹饪设置, 让食材充分释放营养,极速出餐。

  Precise temperature and humidity control, strong fresh steam generator, four automatic cleaning modes and menu security functions, providing professional chefs with all the functions required from an ideal cooking system. The NopeinCombi intelligent control has the ability to store 1024 menus, standardization for complex dishes, data statistics and transmission , even untrained people can quickly start operation.

  烹饪百变 , 样样精通

  With powerful and smart cooking control system, we're dared to any challenges which seemed impossible.

  3 种工作模式 —— 菜单自动烹饪、万能蒸烤箱模式及编程模式

  The combination of heat and steam just in one single oven.

  NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱拥有 3 种工作模式:菜单自动烹饪、万能蒸烤模 式及编程模式,选择任何一种模式都能满足您的需求。蒸、烤、蒸烤混合三 种烹饪功能,完全胜任中、西式菜肴烹饪要求,让您轻松成为专业级厨师。

  NopeinCombi series, with the built-in boiler and Linux-based control system, is featured with combination of steaming, roasting and steam & roast cooking techniques, compact design but it is intelligent and efficient. With the enormous power, the result of outstanding engineering, it's absolutely the perfect cooking mate of chefs.


  烹饪是膳食的艺术 合适的温度恰到好处

  Cooking is the art of meals, with the right temperature

  NopeinCombi 智能控制器灵活调节新鲜蒸汽发生器和加热元件工作得到最 优分配,动态控制。30~300℃宽域烹饪温度调节、Delta T 温差控制和多段 烹饪控制完美实现中式爆炒、焖、蒸、炖、烧烤等不同烹饪方式。 从室温(25℃)到预设温度(177℃)约 3 分钟,待机到出蒸汽时间约 30 秒。 二次加热,蒸汽温度最高可达 130 ℃,蒸汽分子团更细,直达食物深处,保 证后续烹饪不间断,高效提升厨房的工作效率。

  NopeinCombi intelligent controller flexibly adjusts the work of fresh steam generator and heating element to obtain optimal distribution and dynamic control. Wide range cooking temperature regulation at 30-300 , Delta T temperature difference control and multi-stage cooking control perfectly realize different cooking methods such as fried, steamed, stewed, barbecued, etc. From room temperature (25 ℃ ) to preset temperature (177℃ ) for about 3 minutes, standby time to steam outlet time is about 30 seconds; secondary heating, the highest steam temperature can reach 130 ℃ , the steam mass is finer, directly to the food depth, to ensure that the follow-up cooking is non-stop, improve the efficiency of the kitchen.




  Powerful Linux-based Control with Self Diagnosis Function

  NopeinCombi 万能蒸烤箱特有的设备自诊断功能,便于及时发现故障,迅 速维修。万能蒸烤箱系统操作权限分级管理,日常操作、管理者权限及后台 数大据分析诊断三级权限,满足终端用户个性化需求和租赁业务应用;

  The intelligent cooking controller with hierarchical access management functions, operators and managers within their respective authorized use and operation, ensure everything under control. Self-diagnosis fucntion make the mantainance more easy and efficient.

  Built-in Turbo-Booster boiler, strong and efficient fresh steam generator, fully meet the requirements of fine steam mass. A Linux-based controller can quickly meet the extended function demand of smart kitchen for internet-based retail service and leasing business.

  Affordable Price but Extremely Powerful, No Compromises in Performances

  高性价比 源于高配置

  NopeinCombi ? 系列万能蒸烤箱,内置Turbo-Booster 锅炉,强劲高效新鲜蒸汽发生器,多段风速,正反转高温电机,使内膛温度更加均匀;


  NopeinCombi ? Series Oven, with the built-in Turbo-Booster Boiler, strong and efcient fresh steam generator, multi-stage wind speed, reversible blower, make the inner chamber temperature more uniform; The linux-based intelligent control can fully meet the new retail intelligent kitchen business extensibility functional requirements and support large data management functions.



  Dynamic Air Eddy



  Equipped with the unique geometric structure of arc cooking cavity and the multi-selection wind fan with the direction changing from positive to negative, the internal chamber humidity is automatically controlled to distribute the heat in the cooking chamber perfectly, so that when fully loaded with food, the excellent cooking quality can also be guaranteed. The blower can rapidly response, positive and negative switching in the shortest time, ensuring a uniform temperature distribution in every corner.



  Intelligent Automatic


  NopeinCombi ? 提供四种自动清洗模式,从极简型的快速清洗到深度清洗,在点动指尖之间快速实现。它配备的高效半开叶轮循环泵,利用水溶清洁剂循环反复清洗整个水道系统,充分利用药效,同时极大节约用水,降低运营成本。

  NopeinCombi ? provides four automatic cleaning modes, from minimal rapid cleaning to deep cleaning, which can be quickly implemented between fngertips. It is equipped with an efcient semi-open impeller circulating pump, which uses water-soluble detergent to clean the whole waterway system repeatedly, making full use of its efficacy, saving water greatly and reducing operation costs.



  Built-in Boiler Steam Generator


  NopeinCombi ? 万能蒸烤箱配备强大高效的内置锅炉蒸汽发生器,从室温(25℃)到出蒸汽约2分钟;待机到出蒸汽时间约30秒。100% 卫生的新鲜蒸汽确保在低温范围内也能获得最大程度的蒸汽饱和度。而内置锅炉蒸汽发生器自动除垢和参与内膛自动清洗,清洁更加高效且无需昂贵的外置水软化设备。

  NopeinCombi ?Universal Steam Oven is equipped with a powerful and efficient built-in boiler steam generator, which runs from room temperature (25℃) to steam outlet for about 2 minutes and standby to steam outlet for about 30 seconds. 100% fresh steam from hygiene ensures maximum saturation of steam at low temperatures. The built-in boiler steam generator help to do cleaning in a high efcient way. It heats up the coooking chamber by steaming and removes calcium and participates automatically, which is more efcient and does not require expensive external water softening equipment.




  细节 —— 决定品质

  High Temperature

  Neon Lamp



  High quality, high temperature resistant neon lamp from Germany, soft optical fiber, high chromaticity.


  Three Layer of Heat Insulating Glass



  With 3 layers of insulating glass, the inner glass is coated with low-e film to ensure minimum heat loss. And through the space design between glasses, make full use of air heat insulation. It can ensure the temperature of the outermost glass is controlled, avoid high temperature scald and accident happening.



  Opening Door



  The two-step opening door. This design make it more safe when open the door.The first step is turn left to allow the steam to evaporate sufciently, and the second step to turn right to open the door completely to take food.


  Multi-rack Seperated Cooking and

  Independent Timing Alert.


  各层单独烹饪,同时进行,一次性完成大批量不同菜品。Cook a single cuisine seperately or a large number of diferent dishes


  at one time. Once cooking done, buzzer alert and fashing on screen.


  使用NopeinCombi ? 万能蒸烤箱原装配件方可充分发挥其出色的性能。这些商用品级配件牢固耐用,最适合在专业厨房日常工作中使用。这些配件配合NopeinCombi ? 的性能特征,能实现一些特别的应用,烹制烤猪、乳鸽、烧鸡、烧腊和烤鸭等,不需要翻炒即可烹制出色香味俱全的佳肴。


  Using NopeinCombi ? original accessories can ensure its best performance. They are strong and durable, which is the best for the daily work in a professional kitchen. These parts coordinate with NopeinCombi ? ovens, can achieve some special applications, such as roast pork, pigeon, chicken, duck etc.—— don't need to stir-fry these delicious dishes.

  Frying and Baking Boards


  NopeinCombi ? 万能蒸烤箱的铝烘烤板以完美的不粘特性和坚固耐用而著称。小面包、丹麦包、短时煎烤品及裹涂品变成好看的棕色且特别松脆。

  The NopeinCombi ? bake oven is famous for its perfect non stick properties and durability. Buns, Danish pastries, short time grilled and coated products turn nice brown and especially crisp.



  Multifunctional Baking Tray


  多功能烤盘适合用来烹饪大份量的荷包蛋、鸡腿和牛排。特殊的不粘层 保证食物不粘黏。

  Versatile baking dishes are suitable for cooking large portions of poached eggs, chicken legs and steak. Special non stick layer ensures food is not sticky.



  Roast Chicken Frame



  In the roasting process, chickens and ducks were placed vertically. Compared with the rotary grill, the chimney efect signifcantly reduced the cooking time. This special efect makes the breast meat especially juicy and uniform in appearance.


  Suckling Pig Rack




  Adopt the vertical way to place the suckling pig to make it evenly heated, fully baked, crispy and tender outside.







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