
蓝河(苏州)食品有限公司 蓝河(苏州)食品有限公司

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蓝河(苏州)食品有限公司的历史要追溯到 19 世纪的比利时,自 19 世纪起比利时就成为 全世界的巧克力研发制作中心。在时代的发展中,比利时人不断的创新融合,把“匠人”精 神发挥的淋漓尽致。2008 年,我们将比利时先进的工厂搬到素有天堂美誉之称的苏州工业 园区。

Lanhe (Suzhou) Foods Co., Ltd’s history dates back to the 19th century in Belgium, which has been the world's center of chocolate development and production since the 19th century. with the development of an era, the Belgians are constantly innovating. In 2008, Lanhe decided move all advanced Belgian factory and technique to Suzhou Industrial Park.

工厂占地近 1.2 万平方,耗时 12 个月投资建设的新工厂预示着蓝河在中国发展的决心, 来自比利时的 Hacos 线和德国的 Solich 线,代表了一流的生产水平以及比利时醇正的巧克力 工艺。

This new 12,000 m ² site is built to the highest operating standards and houses all core industrial expertise of Belgium. We are proud that our Hacos line(Belgium) and Solich line(Germany), and which proves Lanhe’s ambition and determination of growth in China.

蓝河(苏州)食品有限公司主营纯脂巧克力及巧克力制品,2008 年旗下主打品牌 Senz(心 之)在比利时注册成立,2010 年立足中国市场,我们推出新品牌:Choco Magic,零糖及益生 菌等健康理念更加契合中国年轻人喜好和市场需求。同时,工厂也是备受客户信任的 OEM/ODM 的合作伙伴。

Lanhe (Suzhou) Foods Co., Ltd is mainly engaged in pure cocoa chocolate and chocolate products, our main brand Senz (心之) was registered in Belgium in 2008. after that, based on the Chinese market in 2010, we launched a new brand: Choco Magic. Produce Sugar free and probiotics chocolates, all those health concepts are better match the preferences of Chinese young people and market demand. We also provide OEM/ODM service for our customers.

蓝河用心探索国人的口味,致力于为中国人研发一款契合国人口味且质量上乘的巧克 力,高品质丝滑醇正的口感是我们始终的追求。于是我们的比利时研发团队依据市场精心专 研,不断推陈出新,制作出更契合国人口味的巧克力。

Lanhe is dedicated to exploring the tastes of Chinese people and developing a chocolate for Chinese people with the best quality and taste. Our Belgian R&D team has been researching and updating according to the Chinese market, we are constantly pushing forward to create new chocolates that are more suitable to match Chinese people's flavor.

未来,蓝河苏州工厂以及我们亚太区的销售团队将为中国乃至全球的客户提供更专业更 可靠的服务,对此我们充满信心!

The entire Suzhou team and our entire Asia sales team will keep serving our customers in China and across the world professionally and reliably. We are quite confident about that .



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