Wonder Greener is a start up company which grow and produce grass straws.
The grass straw is made of Lepironia Articulata plant, we keep the straw as simple it can be without adding any chemicals. With our dedication to the environment and food safety, we hope to make the planet cleaner and life more simple by lessen plastics.
We believe if we take care of nature, nature will take care of us. Sustainability is a journey, not the destination. Join us in contribution to a better and more sustainable future.
The feature of the grass straw :
√ will not get soggy, can be used over 12 hours
√ Suitable for drinks with wide range of temperatures
√ Chemical-free, no additives and coating used
√ Stock up to 2 years in cool, dry storage condition
√ Considered it as a fallen leaf. Naturally decomposes after 3-6 months without specific environmental process or conditions
公司名称: 玩艸植造股份有限公司
业务类型: 制造商
主要产品: 天然草吸管
成立时间: 2020年
员工人数: 10-50人
公司地址: 中国台湾省-台北市
公司邮编: 231030
公司网址: https://wondergreener.com/